Monday, 4 January 2010

PM should reign in on Extremists to Stop Hate

Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK (MQI UK) has expressed deep concern over the announcement by an extremist group to go ahead with the planned march at Wootton Basset.

MQI UK's spokesperson Shahid Mursaleen said, "I urge the Prime Minister to take necessary steps to stop this march as it will only create trouble and fuel hate crime against innocent law abiding British Muslims. The Government must ensure that the law-abiding British Muslim youth do not fall prey to such extremists."

"Extremists like Anjem Choudary are not qualified to speak for British Muslims."

Minhaj-ul-Quran UK's spokesperson said that "there is a general consensus among British Muslims that extremists like Anjem Choudry do not speak on our behalf and people wonder why these extremists have a free licence to stir up hatred against innocent law abiding British Muslims. It is disturbing how freely they appear on the media spreading their message of hate. Everything this group does is designed to cause maximum amount of offence to all communities, the repercussions of which are felt by the Muslim community"

“Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK has arranged a seminar at the Houses of Parliament for next week to discuss the reasons why extremist and radical elements exist in Britain and how we can tackle it.”

"We have also launched a series of lectures for British youth 'Islamic Perspectives Series 2010' today from Birmingham by Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri to explore ways in tackling radical ideologies and groups such as Islam4UK."

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Sunday 10th January 2010

Thursday 7th January 2010

Tuesday 5th January 2010

Monday 4th January 2010

Sunday 3rd January 2010

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